How To Write a '10/10, Would Hire' Resume


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Writing a resume that stands out and gets you noticed among other job candidates is no easy feat. There are many considerations to keep in mind, from choosing the right words to selecting the best format for your job application. Here are some tips for crafting a resume that will make a lasting impression and give you the best chance of success.

Find A Mentor

Finding a mentor or someone you admire to share their resume with you is an immediate hiring hack. After all, if they have the job you want, then understanding what's on their resume and how it looks should give you a good understanding of what you need to do.

An easy way to invite a mentor to encourage you in the creation of a new resume is to invite them to share a goal with you on Elephants. Not only will this make the task super clear and easy for them to understand, but most people are looking for ways to help others and will be excited to be considered a mentor for someone else.

Crafting Your Professional Summary

With a shared goal set up and a mentor ready to help, it's time to begin crafting your resume. The professional summary is an important component of your resume, as it provides employers with an overview of your skills, qualifications, and professional experience. When writing your professional summary, be sure to highlight any transferable skills or relevant qualifications you have obtained. To make it more impactful, try to phrase your summary as accomplishments, rather than simply listing the skills or qualifications you have. It should also include information that is relevant to the specific job you are applying for.

When crafting your professional summary, be sure to keep it concise and to the point. Aim for a summary that is no longer than four sentences. Additionally, make sure to use language that is clear and easy to understand. Avoid using overly technical language or jargon that may not be familiar to the reader. Finally, be sure to proofread your summary for any typos or errors before submitting your resume.

Highlighting Your Skills and Qualifications

Include a section on your resume that outlines the skills and qualifications you possess. This can be used to showcase specific elements of your professional background that make you a great candidate for the job. Consider breaking down this section into different skill sets or qualifications, such as technical skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, or language capabilities. This will give employers a better understanding of your capabilities.

When highlighting your skills and qualifications, be sure to include any relevant certifications or training you have completed. This can demonstrate to employers that you have the necessary knowledge and experience to excel in the role. Additionally, include any awards or recognition you have received for your work. This will show employers that you are a dedicated and successful professional.

Demonstrating Your Professional Experience

When describing your professional experience, it is important to provide employers with a thorough overview of your past roles and responsibilities. Be sure to list all of your relevant work history in chronological order. Make sure to include any professional successes or notable projects you have been involved in, as this will help to give employers an understanding of how you could be an asset to their organization.

In addition, it is important to highlight any special skills or certifications you may have acquired throughout your career. This could include any specialized training or certifications that you have obtained, as well as any awards or recognition you have received. This will help employers to understand the value you can bring to their organization.

Showcasing Your Education and Training

Your educational background and any training courses you have completed can be extremely beneficial when applying for jobs. On your resume, include an education section that outlines any relevant degrees or certification obtained. If you attended any specialized training courses or seminars, you can list those too. Doing so can help employers to see the full extent of your knowledge and experience.

In addition to listing your educational background and training courses, you can also include any awards or honors you have received. This can demonstrate to employers that you are a hardworking and dedicated individual. You can also include any volunteer work or extracurricular activities that you have participated in. This can show employers that you are a well-rounded individual with a variety of skills and experiences.

Establishing Relevant Soft Skills

Soft skills are an important part of any job application, as they demonstrate your ability to work well with other people and in a team environment. Include a section on your resume that outlines any relevant soft skills you possess, such as communication, problem solving, leadership, and collaboration. Be sure to provide examples where possible, as this will help employers to better understand how these skills could benefit their organization.

In addition to the soft skills mentioned above, other important skills to consider including are creativity, adaptability, and time management. These skills are essential for any job, as they demonstrate your ability to think outside the box, adjust to changing circumstances, and manage your workload efficiently. Be sure to provide examples of how you have used these skills in the past, as this will help employers to see the value you can bring to their organization.

Crafting a Powerful Cover Letter

A powerful cover letter can be a great asset to any job application. This can be used to express your enthusiasm for the position and to demonstrate why you would be a great fit for the role. The cover letter should include some key points about why you are interested in the position and what makes you stand out from other candidates. Be sure to keep it concise and focus on the most important aspects of your candidacy.

When writing your cover letter, it is important to tailor it to the specific job you are applying for. Make sure to include relevant skills and experiences that are applicable to the role. Additionally, be sure to highlight any awards or accomplishments that you have achieved that are related to the job. Finally, make sure to proofread your cover letter for any errors or typos before submitting it.

Formatting Your Resume for Maximum Impact

Formatting is an important factor when it comes to creating a successful resume. Having an organized layout makes it easier for employers to quickly scan through a resume and pick out the most important information. Use bullet points to highlight achievements and accomplishments, and try to include relevant keywords where possible. Also, use a consistent font throughout your resume for a more professional look.

When formatting your resume, make sure to use a font size that is easy to read. Avoid using overly small or large fonts, as this can make your resume difficult to read. Additionally, make sure to leave enough white space between sections and subsections to make it easier to read. Finally, make sure to proofread your resume for any typos or errors before submitting it.

Making Your Resume Scannable for ATS

Many employers now utilize Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) when reviewing job applications. To make sure your resume is scannable by these systems, use relevant keywords throughout your resume that are related to the position you are applying for. This will help the ATS to identify your skills and qualifications and rank your resume higher against other applicants.

It is also important to use a clear and concise format when creating your resume. Avoid using fancy fonts or graphics, as these can be difficult for the ATS to read. Additionally, make sure to include all relevant information such as your contact information, education, and work experience. This will ensure that the ATS can accurately capture all of your qualifications and rank your resume accordingly.

Proofreading and Editing for Perfection

Proofreading and editing your resume is essential to ensure that there are no mistakes or typos that could reduce its impact. Take the time to read through your resume carefully before submitting it, and make sure you have addressed all points in detail. If possible, have someone else review it as well – a fresh set of eyes can help to spot any errors that you may have missed. This is again another great opportunity to engage your friends who are participating in the same goal on Elephants.

Creating a well-crafted resume is a key part of any successful job search. By following the tips outlined above, you can create a resume that will make a lasting impression and give you the best chance of success.

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